Wednesday, December 30, 2009

thepast week

since i last lefti was in pennant with dave. well alot has happened.
i took the train to the city (Sydney) and checked into a hostel, the YHA railway square right near central station. im not going to tell you how amazing the city is, ill show my pictures soon but when i was exploring i felt like i wanted to take a picture of everything because everywhere you look you are in awe. i think that my breath was taken away by the sites almost every minute. its definetely some place you have to get used to beause its so overwhelming.

after about 4 hours of walking around i made some friends. i walked up to the cutest guy i saw at the time and asked for the time. turns out he is a fellow travelor from the UK and he met another guy from the UK and we all became friends, tom and joe. the next day we went out all day having beers and site seeing, having laughs, they are fun.

then i went back to the hostel and played cards with the people there. i feel like i have made some amazing life long friendships. we all went out together the next day to olympic park, which is where the olympic games were held in 2000. it is so spacious and large and green.

then we went out that night, what a night. ill never forget this, the people the places the city the lights the buildings the vibe the other travelors! wow is the only word i can say.

i spent 4 days at the hostel in sydney now im at daves friends house in bondi beach. the beach here is amazing, the water so warm, and people arent afraid to take their tops off. and by people i mean women.

so tonight is new years eve, crazy that 2009 has gone. this is how im spending the new year, in a new continent with new everything.

the last thingill say right now is that i have checked a good number of things off my australia to do list.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

crisp green

more of Pennant. Its amazing that this nature is right in his backyard. literally a 5 minute walk and there are houses all around this little forest.

look at these Nikes. ooowwwww

Pennant Hills

I dont know if you know this cuz i didnt but the day after christmas is boxing day here in australia and britain also, apparently. Im not sure what it means but we watched this cricket on TV and the australians loved it, as did I. Dave took us (becky and me) to his friends party. Im not sure how to explain it because i really dont feel like i am away in a different country. his friends are awesome, just like my friends. they are laid back and funny. anyway getting sidetracked.

today is my last day in pennant hills with David. Becky and I went on a walk around his neighborhood and took some pictures. just take a look at the beauty and the vibrance. today i will be staying in a hostel in the center of Sydney. They tell me its like dorms for travelers, but no RA's. PERFECT!

here are pictures of the stunning Pennant Hills in Sydney Australia.

Friday, December 25, 2009

all australian mates

Thursday, December 24, 2009

first night in Sydney, Australia

Last night we went to this place called GreenGate. It is a pub/club/big party. although no one was dancing it was a great time. i mean GREAT time. tons of people. tons.

Dave (the person who's couch i'm surfing) Becky (his friend from Whales who is in australia for a year) and a few of his friends compiled our group. its like iv known these people for ever. but i guess thats the way it is with people who are just like you. anyway i have some pictures!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

im officially here!

so 14 hours, 4 mini bottles of jack, lots of tv, trying to figure out how to make calls in australia, finding a train to pennant hills, finding out that i have to transfer trains (three times) and IM OFFICIALLY IN SYDNEY AUSTRALIA BABY!!

my friend picked me up and we went straight to his house. this land is so green and just plain epically beautiful. his other friend who is backpacking is staying at his house also along with his sister, so its a fun house.

tonight is christmas eve here in australia so like any normal person we are going out! y

im a bit jet lagged, had my first meal in a few hours and my first beer, so im feeling better. hopefully i can stay up tonight, im sure i will be because i am tooooo excited to sleeeeep! IM IN AUSTRALIA!!!!

so sorry i dont have pictures yet but i literally just got in a few hours ago. there will be tons of pics soon i promise.

seee ya guys

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hi everyone!

I am going to Australia in less than a week! I am going during winter break from school and I’m couchsurfing the whole way! Check out the website,

Let me introduce myself for those of you who don’t know me.

Marina Shiferman.

21 years old.

Fourth year at the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA.

Born in Ukraine (yes I speak Russian too) but my family lives in Long Beach, California now.

Right before last summer I got into a car accident. My car flipped over 3 times on the freeway in California. I hurt my hand pretty bad. I needed stitches and pins holding my fingers straight, the list goes on. I had to live at home (with my parents) for the entire summer! My parents are great, but going from college and just turning 21 years old to being injured living at my parents house was a bit of a bummer. But don’t worry, I’m back at school and all healed. Except for a few minor scars.

So I need an adventure, a long stress releasing breath so to speak.

Oh, and I’m going by myself.

Just with myself to see friends that I haven’t met yet and do things a different way.

So I’m extending an invitation to you to come along with me. See my pictures and read my words and we will have the winter/summer of a lifetime.

Thanks for listening to me guys. I can’t wait to start!